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In dreams begins reality or else? Modern take on conscious decision making in writing and readership
Conscious reading is taken as the most advanced ability for people who use their cognitive capacity to the full when learning and...

Discovering words and all that inspire poetry.
“Lord Polonius: What do you read, my lord? Hamlet: Words, words, words. Lord Polonius: What is the matter, my lord? Hamlet: Between who?...

Newest business strategies and innovative branding - books, e-books or/and inventive multimedia cont
Business career building is never ''one way'' or ''one trick pony'' story, at least for those who have in mind adaptability with the...

Quotations as a fresh starter of a new READ.
We use them on a daily basis: in writing, during our daily conversations and for more than one purpose - quotations are the forefronts of...
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