We use them on a daily basis: in writing, during our daily conversations and for more than one purpose - quotations are the forefronts of oura daily language usage, and as the most recognizable Philosopher of Language Games once said, I quote:
That is why we do need quotations to start of the very new and trending to be. If we were entirely empty and without respect for what have
already been said, we could have never made any cultural connections to the newest, and in consequence dialogue making would have
been even more difficult. Just like images, quotations according to the representationalists are the new seeds for the new voice in culture
dialogue, that we co-create and have a chance to participate in as conscious speakers, writers, copywriters, authors or/and readers.

Writing with quotations as a continuation of an old good topic from the past, something that is still very popular and have arguments to inspire for innovative solutions, whether it is branding, marketing, copywriting or/and creative writing for creative reading and performance making purposes, is one of the most valuable advantages that quotations can bring into the Business Intelligence table. Choosing the right quote, that matches our communication intentions gives an opportunity to begin a conversations,
discussion, dialogue if there is a common understanding of that specific content. We are able to say something in writing with the chosen quote, that shares connotations for chosen communicative content, in order to inspire diversity of ideas, not one right interpretation.
Is there new logic each time we tackle new idea? And what happens when we reach for the rich volume of inspirations?
Library, whether it is digital or/and traditional, the one with prints and paper books, is the very first resource for further learning and
development. All what matters for new ideas exploration and for further dialogue making get its inspiration in our attention of intentions in
communication - this is something that Ludwig Wittgenstein was talking about in his ''Philosophical Investigations'' :
''115. A. picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably.''
Making sure we can capture the idea we want to communicate, not only in our mind, but also in content we create by the extended memory
and co-related participation in content exploring, mind mining, discussing ideas and philosophies and then bringing it all to a very new
solution makes quotations our new meta-transits of the future of work. In other words, we get inspired by words of others in order to make
some ''mess'' in the one way only of a content interpretation. What we read creatively is what we then use creatively in our own daily
communicative ventures, if not the language games investigations - consciously or not.

Creative reading as part of creative content discovery gives a great reason for making our mind more attractive for the future of content creating in a way we can explore it for diverse solution making. Business Intelligence can benefit from creative reading and content writing as much as there is something new to begin with. Each book, text, line, verse, lyric and/or quotation is a new beginning of the most fascinating venture there can be: our very own thinking process. What we can think of before and after a new read is one of the most fascinating philosophical topic. As each quotation opens up new thinking and cognitive experience we tend to use quotes to have something of our own. All what we can quote about let us engage with inventiveness, as well as invites us into our creative potential. This reason adds up positively to sharing, even in meta-content of our own mind mining. Being able to re-consider old-new words - as each old becomes the new in the process of autonomous thinking process - gives readers a high quality mind game, that can be passed on to the next one, and then to the next one, and then.... in consequence make space for not only continuation of a dialogue making, but also new meanings that follow it. Choosing quotation does matter, and it make sense each time we can make something new out of it.
Author's addition: ''We achieve moments of personal courage at times of most demanding contextual adaptability of one's own creative potential. It is not always clear how many moments we need to endure in the planning game for the benefit of the contextual adaptability not only enacted survival skillfulness, but also imaginative mind mining.'' - read more here