When we think we process words, methods of how to put words together in order to get the required sentence, and as a consequence, we are forming a dialogue style. In other words, when we think, we at the same time operate within the boundaries of different mind maps, that we create thanks to our memory and thanks to our active brain functioning. It is a widely known scientific fact, that mind-brain stimulation proves to be the only humane activity focused on humane learning and development via thinking, reading, and writing.
Cognitive Science research showcase multiple and diverse proofs of mind-brain activity, that differentiate us, humans, from animals for instance, that also have the capacity to learn and develop. But when it comes to human-like language, grammar, the use of grammar, and in the diversity of many different language types, like for instance English, Spanish, Polish, Italian, French language and so on, only human-type language, and word-associated thinking represents the unique value of the human type of mind-brain activity, the human mind itself. That is why we, humans are more intelligent than animals, because we can not only control our human environments, ecosystems, and a new type of co-construed realities, including online, something that animals cannot do. In other words, when learning and development, especially academic learning and development reading and writing are as equally important as breathing in and breathing out, at least in my humble academic and intellectual opinion.
To explore this thought even further, let's think of a theoretical philosophical thought experiment like this:
We are sitting in a public library, a really well-equipped one, and doing research for the essay we must write before the end of the weekend. It's 5 pm Friday afternoon and the library is closing at 21.00 pm, so there is still some quality time for booking books, scanning papers, printing off limited editions of the archive documents, and for those really excellent at organizing their own workload there is time for a 15 min coffee time at the library coffee shop (and I really mean 15 min not counting minutes spent in the cue).
Knowing that your memory mind map for the essay is strictly related to words, writing, thinking in words reading, and thinking because of the fact, that we humans are intelligent enough to not only think in words, but also write down, and describe our thinking process in words, designates the key words, the literature, that exist on the topic and finally enables us to expand our thinking in images, graphs, and analytical structure. Having all drafted, at least the very first plan of the draft for the keywords and definitions search we are ready for the 15 min coffee break, just to get that boost of the social buzz and brain-storm relief before intense research, organizing notes, and before setting off for the intense and long writing right?
Well, according to the academic learning and development standards it is very good to plan ahead and stick to the working routine although our competition, colleagues, or/and writing buddies (co-authors) think otherwise. The scientific and developmental facts about personal learning and development clearly emphasize personal uniqueness related to each intellectual property, thinking process, learning process, and the process of creating memory mind maps for the entire mind-brain interactive communication. The fact, that we are as different as different is our memory mind map is a non-disputable truth, and from the logical point of view every single memory mind map is equipped with different vocabulary in a different type of human language, whether it is English, German, Polish, Italian or/and French and so on. It means, that reading and writing in different languages enables us to learn and develop in more than one type of human type language, its culture, and the history of the group of language users identifying with a certain type of human language, whether it is Polish, English, German, Italian or/and French and so on. At the same time, we learn, that there are people who build more than one type of human type of memory mind map and in more than one type of language, as there are bilinguals, trilinguals, and multilinguists, who operate in more than one type of language memory mind map. It all means, that there are no exactly the same type of thinking processes and no exactly the same types of learning and development processes while reading and writing.
Having all this thought out, we know more or less where the essay might be leading us in terms of definition choice and logical consequence of the thinking process based on the chosen research material. Let's not forget that apart from reading and writing in the process of academic learning and development, there is something like brainstorming, spontaneous ideas (so-called eureka moments), and re-thinking first drafts with fresh ideas for the more developed consequential thinking process leading to the discovery of new approaches, ideas, and knowledge in the process of academic learning and development.
Going back to resources and the library stock there are so many great spaces where online open-access library stock enables us to not only read and write on the academic level of thinking, but also it enables us to contribute to the overall knowledge sharing in the academic process of learning and development. For the purpose of essay writing and academic reading, academic learning and development there is more than one type of online content worth mentioning. This time I would like to draw your attention to the following content:
I look forward to reading and writing more for you and myself :)
Best from the Academic Author:
Karolina (Kala) Karmaza