“Lord Polonius: What do you read, my lord? Hamlet: Words, words, words. Lord Polonius: What is the matter, my lord? Hamlet: Between who? Lord Polonius: I mean, the matter that you read, my lord.”
Story telling can be discussed on many different levels. It depends on what intentions we would like to focus on, and what messages we would like to communicate, when attempting to tell a story. Words, images and ethnic symbols, that we use for composing certain type of a story determine meaning and inspire its interpretation. Words, that enact imagination needed for conscious reading, just like SEO key words, are the forefronts of story telling - consciously used in unique culture - based on contextual narrative needed for meaning and sense making. As each culture determines different ways of communication, culture clashes inspire for an ongoing learning and development when it comes to adjusting language negotiations for the benefit of making words not just tools, but extended capsules of potential meaning. Let's not forget, that it all depends of the depth of a certain mind and its goal in creating certain communication.

Imagination and clear thinking is a very handy set of skills when it comes to attempting to understand what we ''say'' and what we ''write'', not to mention all what we mean. Conscious story telling begins with not only clear thinking, but also with ability to share understanding of the architecture of a language of a certain culture. The fun begins when we try to use ''positive'' and ''negative'' stereotypes for contextual text purposes and forgetting about the changing rules of narrative dialogue. We choose words in order to make new rules of interpreting certain story, and not each story is based on a written word. Written and said makes a big difference in conscious reading, writing and listening.
''History of language, especially linguistic investigations of culture and language experts, have led to my explorations in the studies of culture, meaning and sense making in content, that even the ancient world knew that, the way we speak, and what we say has a magnificent difference.''
When a word becomes a boat of meaningful connotations we have a chance for a progress in creative storytelling that inspire culture stereotypes to be used as yet another language token. What about the narrative we co-create with ideas covered in ''stories bridges'' passed on to the next generation by the tradition of an extended mind?
Cognitive Science as modern most complex way of exploring ideas from interdisciplinary approach offers scientific dialogue based on contextual cross discipline research, very often embodied and enacted in line with framework of extended mind. This type of thinking opens up space for yet another discussion of what we talk about when we remember or/and forget to use a certain word. From online dictionaries we use on a daily basis to ''holo reality'' reminding us of an image in yet another dynamic context, we have a chance for unique experience in not only thinking, but also feeling the meaning in question. All that we use in our emotive, imaginative or/and narrative story telling experience can be inspired for future dialogue as a memory of re-enactive content. In the evolution of interdisciplinary thought, words and its meaning make sense.
First poetry was to tell a story in more than one way. As the craft has always been one of the most difficult type of
communication learning on poetry terms how to use language inspire not only autonomy, and in the same time uniqueness of using words for dialogue purposes, but also and foremost it proves the most uncertain factor in content making and its interpretation. Traveling in content, which is being able to communicate values of different culture has a significant meaning in prose and poetry, not to mention content creating for research purposes. To not to get lost in the entanglements of such a complex narrative reality it is good to remember of what words we want to use and what we can imagine when it comes to conscious understanding of culture clashes in positive and negative stereotypes.

And what about content, that makes contextual digital message sharing yet another way of expressing its value?
Reality of modern embodiment of content value - full of images, words, culture symbols, ethnic language tokens that we can recognize in a video - shows clearly what immediate reality responses we can get in such an uncertain dialogue making. Expenses - emotive or/and intellectual related to modern content making used for communicating words, images, messages and in consequence values of a certain craft inspire discussion of innovative ways of story telling in yet another dimension. Discovering words, that inspire poetry and extend dialogue to modern ways of story telling may give reasons for discovering tradition of a spoken and written words from yet another angle.
Author's addition: ''Real time thinking as conscious participation in one's own ''being and becoming'' makes the ''I'' not only more distinctive in creative ventures, but also and foremost it enables ongoing creativity for the benefit of the overall development.'' - read more here