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Enactive discovery of the most natural...

Living in the XXI century reality, full of innovative tech solutions, being surrounded by people who on a dalily basis actively co-create storytelling of this modern world is very inspirational. Everyone who sets a challenge of being part of such an active dialogue making, by writing, exhibiting, designing, travelling and storytelling, notices, that there are strong advantages of embedding working writing experience in a vibrant modern life of a big city, such as London, Dubai, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Sydney, Vienna, Kraków, Toruń, Warsaw... and many more. Living in a vibrant, timing with new inspirational ideas very modern spaces can be at some point too much, especially when it comes to getting along with writing something longer, like a longer book for example. The need of not being distracted by too many other ideas, no matter how brilliant they are creates space for inventory discovery. Despite of the convention of typical ''writer's block'', it is very inspirational as well, to take into account yet another perspective, that broadens the boundaries of not only new neuro-contacted minding, but also embraces well balanced attitude towards long term creative work. But to not to be only a person who just ''saying this or that'', I would like to take you, my dear reader to a very new perspective I have been exploring for a short while now, and hopefully we can establish a long term author-reader relationship.

But before I will upload my next longer read for you and your friends, I would like to include you into my writer's writing perspective. It is called enactive approach towards mind mining, that promotes agency in cognition, which is a method I have been using for many years in my writing experience work, not only as an academic, but also as a therapist, as well as a language teacher when preparring educational materials, but also when I was exploring different ways of learning and development in my conventional educational studying and several side creative projects. All that I learnt during my Applied Philosophy full time studies, as well as my interdisciplinary academic activity, is not only all what can be learnt from books from the time since Acient Greek Philosophy up to the Modern Philosophy. What is a stunning discovery after all the hard work reading and writing a lot, is that it all can be later implemented in many projects as a conceptual value, as a creative consequence each time there is a need for brain storming in the workplace or yet another business venture. Being so called Philosopher in the world can be trully unique, as each one of us who actually studied the books, and not got discouraged by the rich volume of the knowledge written by someone else, can competently develop something more on the basis of all that had already been thought about. To not to diminish any of the Philosophers form the past, and in the same time to stay up to date with modern philosophical content, either strictly academic or popularized by famous professors and their students, is a true challenge. To not to produce more words without meaning or/and sense according to Ludwig Wittgenstein, but to establish something of a new kind according to Thomas Khun, is a real achievement. But off course, thinking in writing in the chosen form of written communication not only demonstrates knowledgeable background, but it also demonstrates commitment to the written form of communication. Going through books of wisdom, logics, practising reasonable thinking in writing, analytical skills, interpretational skills and being not only aware but also conscious of the whole communication process, has a strong potential for dialogue making, that actually makes not only sense, but also meaning.

And because of all that, you do not even have to believe me, that thinking is worth the effort.... click bellow to know what Rene Descartes thought about thinking:

As much as thinking IS something we should rather cherish, than abandon there are of course many other ways to emphase our passion of discovery, if not in mind, then definitely by heart. One of the ways of enactive discovery of our passions is when we are fully embracing the experience and making something out of it: creating a painting, taking a photograph, posing a philosophical question, drawing a picture, writing an inspirational blog entry, writing a poem, or/and making an effort to write a whole range of short stories for more than one type of a reader. All in all, thinking in writing makes a difference in creative meaning and sense making.

So, what to do when in need of more ideas, especially for the moment we are living in and for the means of future of work?

After long hours in libraries, reading rooms, rooms with coffee and not always with cakes, after hours of formalizing philosophical ideas, and in moments of looking forward for the next eureka moment, there is the world, that is always there, our most immediate reality to get inspired by. And it is within the baundaries of the best philosophical practice to notice it, in more than one perspective. It is a real challenge to make it ours in more than one content of different form of communication. Shall I inspire you more to go out there and discover your own perspective of the world that You and I are temporarily living in? ;)

I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages. In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Note 01 - New photographs inspire new thoughts, that inspire new content.

Note 02 - Trees are actually a very good companions when one is thinking.

Note 03 - When spiders are not there, they show off with their artwork - vide spiderweb.

P.s... how many walks are needed to get insired by a new chapter of a pfilosophical book? ;)

Till next time, and in the meantime let's keep in mind that there are many more to explore, apart from popular cities of the world, apart from walking in the woods, apart from spider web, and all to do with reading and writing - definitely cognizing!



Karolina (Kala) Karmaza

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