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Cool as #ice.

Climate change cannot change any of the discussion narrative as long as we will omit deep thinking about the future of the ice, and where it really goes. We may think it is not important to explore the consequences of melting seasonal snow, but then why not to think of what unexpected my occur when all the seasonal snow is going to melt too fast and in too many places in the same time.

We know that water and low temperature creates snow and ice, as well as we have become more aware of then evironmental issues related to the quest towards understanding the big question of the Climate change dialogue.

What is it then that speeds up the seasonal snow melting, that in consequence brings in changes in the overal climate change?


According to the latest research on one of the most important Climate Change issue it is deep waters forming the water supplies in the most dead areas of the Antartctica:

“Over the 21st century, the ocean is projected to transition to unprecedented conditions,” the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in a special report about the oceans and the cryosphere – the world’s frozen regions. It was compiled by more than 100 authors from 36 nations. The report is the most detailed look at the impact of climate change ranging from melting glaciers on the world’s highest mountains to the depths of the oceans that cover 71% of the Earth’s surface.''

What the above report means is that very soon we will witness even more water covering the Earth, which will create many new environmental problems, not to mention problems with terrtorial survival (by the way, it is worth taking on a read related to the origins of survival and where do we come from according to science - it is better to get ready before than after the big overfload ;)

Before the world will become Venice in vein (and if you haven't been there yet here's an article you may want to read before visiting), let's think of all the seasonal snow and how we can appreciate it in the meantime. We do know that it is going to supply the deepest part of our wonderful planet Earth, and in the same time we do need it for many other purposes, other than being melted and wasted. Thinking of recycling it for the benefit not only our planet, but most of all people who live here, there are many creative solutions, sustainable ideas that make the game even more interesting. Apart from the most straightforward recycling ideas like: swimming pool water, water for animals, melted water for washing machines of all types and purposes, re-cycled water to bottle for sale, and so on, and off course we talk about systematical recycling solution making, there is plenty to do with this water when it comes to leizuire purposes like stocking it, freezing it back for igloo making (a little joke, and I am glad you got it ;) and even water for relaxing SPA purposes (each time we add something of a nice scent into it and mix it for any beauty inspirations). So, there are many, many more different creative ideas that systematically melting ice could eventually go ...

... and what do you think? Where the ice should go, before and after the environmental Climate Change discussion? ;) I sincerely inspire you to think about this, but not too much as the ice is also very good in cubes in glassess and in a good company ;)

Till next time, and in the meantime let's keep in mind that there are many more to explore, apart from Venice apart from Climate Change, apart from melted water and all to do with reading and writing - definitely cognizing!



Karolina (Kala) Karmaza

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