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Green in Oval Shape, Blue and Puffy Fluffiness - What we choose to make sense out of tastes we value

Decision making, as we know it from our daily experiences, is a constant key factor in planning not only everyday tasks and choice making, but also creating long term goals. Our daily resource, that is based on realistic prognosis, based on key strategic factors, that value its price in the ongoing economics of the future of work, may be a daunting task to do. That is why it is handy to focus more on the so called certain variables like: phenomenal and straightforward results and values in the shape and form of what we SEE and FEEL in the moment of decision making. 

''Different combination of two given products, giving the same or indifferent levels of satisfaction.''

is a basic definition for the shapes of values we can measure in more complex data analysis. That is why micro choice

making and valuable shapes are very important in the long term goals and profit making. Is all this possible without

imagination, that is the biggest uncertain variable of all?

Diversity, that enables progress to happen, is the base for an ongoing change in progress making. Whether it is: ART, Wisdom Market Stock, Creativity pool or/and Volunteer/Social Enterprise, we face daily differences in values of tastes and valuable shapes of specific growth curve, and we have a variety of resource, that we can choose in the process of most pro-profitable progress making. Customized re-source building, in the ongoing learning and development, is the dynamic factor of not only long term profit making, but also valuable progress.      

Is Open access re-source a ''dream come true'' progress in revenue growth? And what about risks related to low interest in priceless - literally and metaphorically - ''profit triggers'' that represent future potential of the revenue growth?

Once we choose free market stock and open access resource for the ongoing learning and development we may

not only inspire growth and wellness as a stable adaptable categories of high quality values, but also there is a chance to

create some space for diversity of solutions related to the changes in investments. This  customized dream revenue to be

made is possible when all variables are synchronized accordingly. The first one is related to customized time frame that is to

be spent on different levels of cognitive development. In other words, differences in cognitive difficulties levels of the re-

source and diversity of skill development, make challenges in the ongoing learning and development a worthwhile goal.

Later is either represented in values passed on each stage of the development, that is responsible for re-thinking and

transformation of the growth line, or/and it may be rejected on the basis of the diversity in choice and the same customized

strategy. But off course, the ongoing customized time and open access resource investment strategy is not the only factor in

the future of diverse progress. As the profit making trigger is a long term growth potential enabling open minded wealth

making, the ''change'' is the only constant in that kind of ongoing progress:

“Sound thinking is the greatest virtue and wisdom: to speak the truth and to act on the basis of an understanding of the nature of things” (B112)

Different values are needed for progress making, as much as the virtue of sound thinking is highly valued in data analysis

and revenue growth, not to mention its base of diverse transferable skills. As it is visible in the contextual and actual learning

and development, based on high quality open resource, the ongoing development strategy based on constant change in the

quality of skills used for creating wealth, can be used as customized solution for the ''dream come true'' revenue growth. 

Is the ''Big Dream Making'' in between or/and in the core of ''Dream Come True'' choice of best learning and development strategy bringing ongoing progress in creating more space for high quality value?

I will leave answer for this retorical question and one more quotation for your own analytical judgement.

Author's addition:

''This writing is aiming for knowledge sharing as we do it nowadays via social media.As the open access is the most relevant way of spreading the word across the internet,it is a shame to not to use it for knowledge sharing purposes. Having in mind, that the newest trends in publishing value free and open access to information communicating new words in new context, I would like to contribute to this innovative way of communication'' - read more here



Karolina (Kala) Karmaza

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