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Wisdom and Knowledge to be shared when building relationships - I have an idea...

Youthful experiences that we can share when working with diverse teams, whether it is at school, maturity in the very first employment, further education, getting to know one another in social enterprise or/and charity sectors, or when simply getting to know new persons in our lives, is something we can talk about, isn't it? Each time when we break through to one's own attention - having in mind that most of the people these days are even more busy, than a century ago - is one sure thing when it comes to getting across our personal wisdom message. It happens at the workplace, during mini breaks, in public spaces, during relaxing time when trying to browse through just one more activity to be added to our already busy schedule, or simply when we want to exchange a small talk in a nice atmosphere somewhere in the coffee shop. Having an idea is one thing, and inspiring others to make it happen together is yet another. How to make it happen?

- Common goals and trust makes relationship building a strong bridge for the future of togetherness.

Trust is the fundamental element of any relationship, the very first forefront that there is to be complemented with everything else, that bring relationship to life. It is not new to know, that without trust there is no relationship and when trust is disturbed in already existing relationship then there is a big chance for troubles. How then begin over and over again with and without trust in relationships, knowing, that trust is not a stable virtue - as much as it should be. There are a few ways to keep trust in tack and methods, that can inspire for ongoing trustworthy attitude in relationship. One of them is ongoing learning and development, well-being hygiene and motivation for wellness for the overall benefit of a certain relationship. We often build relationship with implicite expected trust or a hope for never ending trust that can give us security in relationship. Our expectations are not always conscious, and yet we tend as humans for understanding one's own needs in order to bring the best in the presence of trustworthy other or/and others, that build certain relationship. So, common goals and so called: '' looking in the same direction'' makes a relationship structure a vital strength and give a chance for a life lasting togetherness.

- What sharing common skills can bring to individual lives?

Each time time when we exchange ideas we enrich our mindsets with novelty. Being able to stay open-minded is crucial to make any progress when trying to understand how to build a strong relationship. Sometimes we are not sure whether this or that ideas will work here or there, but knowing that there is an individual reception of any new idea enables for an in depth understanding of what can be shared in order to bring harmony to ideas sharing. Differences in thinking help, rather than disturb togetherness and too much of sameness in togetherness is not always very successful. Shared experiences are a bond makers, but they can also play a role of ''stuffy glue'' each time when a relationship need a re-fresher, let's say in the form of anything that inspire progress and individual well-being. In the end autonomy in relationship is the key to a successful relationship building for something that can be called personality freedom or personal space. It is ever so nice to realize how much we invest in ourselves and why we want to inspire others to follow our footsteps. It is good to think and re-think now and then new ways of celebrating being in another's presence and making an effort to spent some time to re-connect with one's own inner Self.

- Positive attitude and ability to overcome hurdles - what do we learn from happy moments?

Happiness may seem to be an illusive thing, especially when each person has very different perception of this phenomenon. Being able to make positive attitude one's own winning feature of a character definitely inspire others for positive thinking and is crucial part of happy moments, at least in theory. But off course, there are circumstances that disable sharing positive attitude in the same moment in time, that is why synchronicity and so called ''timing in relationship building'' makes for wisdom we embody in the process of being and becoming a relationship. Being able to create a happy relationship is one of the most difficult matters, as much as ability to support one another when trying to overcome life time hurdles. Making another person happy by default may be called ''perfect match'' but even this cannot guarantee for a lifetime relationship success. So, what do we learn from happy moments knowing they last and may never be repeated again? Maybe it is good to accept them as they are and not being too focused on prolonging them for too long. In the end relationship building for a lifetime success begins in dynamic attitude towards reality where changes support the overall effort when it comes to being happy together in conscious autonomy of one's own Self.

- Harmony as the not so obvious way of being and becoming a partner in a relationship.

In spite of being able to learn from of another in terms of exchanging ideas without diminishing one's own personality or/and with full support for one's own personal learning and development we tend get inspired by the rhythm of our own habits, that may not always be a beautiful togetherness in tastes sharing. Personal tastes and everyday choices create space for diversity in relationship, that is so needed when we want to achieve harmony. Appreciation of one's own autonomy opens up a chance for making a relationship a partnership, at least when we want to focus on personal side of it. From personal point of view, and relationship, just as much as partnership is a personal matter, we want to inspire another person for happiness with appreciation for inner beauty, something that we want to cherish in one's own harmonious autonomic Self and the beautiful autonomic Self of the other - that's theory. It is great to be realistic though, as trying to create a ''perfect match'' relationship forever and ever without looking after and caring for it may cause much less than perfection, if not a ''total disaster''. It is good to have in mind and heart, that in the end we are all just humans, that have the full right for making mistakes.

- When a relationship that is partnership works as a TEAM?

Finding the right solutions for an everyday experiences sharing, ideas exchanging, learning and development, inspiring one another, creating personal space for value when it comes to personal positive attitude and partnership building is a complex matter, and very often something than can be achieved after many tried and overcoming many hurdles. It is never obvious what exactly play on the successful side in this phenomenal process, and yet we do learn ways to understand one another for the future of relationship that have team work in it. It is great when all what we plan can meet with acceptance of the other, and when our paths are so much related we cannot imagine another team to be in. As much as making one's own relationship a Dream Team is a trendy thing to have, it is good to always look deeply into one's own individual Self for a Team that is not too rigid as the changes are a contain in any relationship building, including and maybe foremost partnership.

What is your idea for your own relationship

with one's own SELF that is to inspire another?

Author's addition:'' I think every participant of the creative process contributes values strictly connected to such a different embodiment of feelings and emotions, that the ''love''part can never be interpreted exactly the same. As our emotive perception is different with different creative participation all what enacted with love is making long lasting mark in the overall creative process.'' - read more here



Karolina (Kala) Karmaza

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