Making mark in modern marketing can be very tricky at times, especially when all what the innovative thinking is offering gets back to the autonomic owner of one's own righteous mindfulness and reasonable attitude toward business making - but what about IMAGINATION?
What inventiveness can inspire, the technological Renaissance can only follow, at least in theory. We tend to focus on content driven by strong emotions, that are embedded in all what we notice as our ''wants'', ''have to have's'', ''future belongings'' and ''dreams to come true'' - in other words, we engage with content related to what is positively associated with our current emotions and feelings. This obvious fact indicating that we do not mind on a daily basis to feel only good about first resoults of the content related engagement. So, according to the newest research on music, that is the common emotive background for ''on-'' and ''off-line'' content, especially in marketing playing a major role in Digital Creative Writing or/and content sharing, we use music for many different purposes, don't we? Tech and modernity in innovative thinking proved many times, that we are co-related with emotions, that we can get inspired even by holograms.
Music, as well as creativity, driven by ongoing curiosity, that makes mark everywhere where open minded attitude is a valid value for progress in Business Intelligence, is as interesting as we can appreciate the virtue of imaginative, and yet analytical mind mining. Do we see it all at a first glance? Probably not all the time, but for the fun of business making it is in the interest of our own judgement what we have in mind, when we ''want'', ''can'', can't'', ''will'' or/and ''are able to appreciate''. It is not difficult to realize, that with the music it is very simple: we experience it and additionally we tend to imagine what we associate with it, and that is why we see independently what we are capable to notice.

Emotive content with the MUSIC as the key element of marketing strategy lies at the very heart of the modern not only digital content creating, design thinking, branding, but also and foremost adds a positive value to the words and marketing packages that we create and co-relate with.
Enactive embodiment of music is everywhere - what can we get out of it for the benefit of our customer-client relationship with a certain brand or/and business strategy?
I think, that there are more than one positives that are exciting enough to follow and to engage with the lead, that the music has taken in this century:
1. We get more neuron-contracted emotive feelings, that open up not only our senses, but also we can see the world with more than one color or/and legal-dopamine-packed gifts.
2. We are able to re-cognize the brand via our own stereotypes, whether they are ''positive'' or/and ''negative'' and that gives the feedback for the future of work to be done. The more we engage with the better the strategy.
3. We have more business opportunities by the range of engaged content and brands - it is not impossible to imagine, that co-relating brands inspire one another and their fans can also see that.
4. We build relationships with the unknown and very new brands, that may look like ''immature'' by the choice of music or/and related images, but in fact they bring the ''freshness'' in value for more to discover and create.
5. We get value for future progress expansion as much as we can incorporate ''the new'' and re-enact ''the old'' for the most trending in Business Intelligence and Content Marketing.
What the MUSIC can DO in Modern Marketing is what we can IMAGINE in our business ventures and creativity of our own, autonomic creative minds.
P.s ... culture diversity in Business Intelligence is the key ;)
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